Sunday, April 22, 2018

Don't believe everything you think...

My how the pendulum sways. Yesterday I was on a gratitude high and today I'm feeling like the whole world sucks. What is up with that? The moon's not full or new or waxing or waning or doing whatever the hell the moon does to fuck with us. Mercury has gone retrograde. Nothing in my work or home life has changed or shifted for the worse. In fact He Who Shall Not Be Named and I had a beautiful brunch together this morning. The sun is still shining. Those birds are still singing. In fact it's an even nicer day out there today than it was yesterday. So what gives? Why the dark clouds?

Uh... I wish I had the answer to that question. Spiritual teachers all say more or less the same thing - look within. You won't find the answers "out there". Okay fine. But looking within all I found was gloom. So I decided to turn to myself for advice in the most literal way. I looked for an old pep-talk I may have given myself somewhere, at some other dark time in my life and I found an ancient post that I wrote entitled: Don't believe everything you think.

First of all, that in itself felt like permission to not me such a hateful meanie to myself for feeling rotten, so thanks Self. But I also found the rest of the post helpful so thought I'd pass it on.

Our minds can run away with us. Stress may kick in and get the better of the situation and before we know it, negative thoughts on speed play over and over like a skipping track on an 80s record.

Thoughts like:
I'm too fat
I'm too old
I'm too tired
It's too late for me
I'm ugly
I'm stupid
I'll never get this right
Who do I think I am?
I'm not smart enough
Not young enough
Not creative enough
Not strong enough
Not thin enough
Not sexy enough
I'm too short
too tall
too ethic
Not ethic enough
I'll never have that dream body
Never get to my goal weight
Never be happy...

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? You're not alone. We all have them. It's as if we're programmed from a very young age to feel less-than. To believe that we are somehow inferior.

I'm here to say, please don't believe everything that you think. It's not enough to just not believe the things you read or everything you hear. Negative thinking plays a huge role in us sabotaging our best efforts, not just with fitness, but in everything we do.

Find something about yourself, even if it's just one thing, and be grateful for it right now. Appreciate it RIGHT NOW!
Your beautiful eyes
gleaming smile 
what a terrific mother you are
great cook
fabulous singer
dedicated runner
your awesome hair
great manicure
your ability to tell a funny joke 
hell, your ability to remember a funny joke
how lovely you feel in a certain pair of shoes
the way your bronzer looks when you've applied it just right
your slender neck
your delicate wrist
your shapely calves
your ability to paint
your skill with decorating
your mad table tennis skills
that you're still young enough
that your current weight is close enough (love that one!)
how brilliant you look in blue
or my personal fave...

the way you've worn in your favorite sweat pants just right... whatever it is... say something nice to yourself today. Get really cheeky and say it out loud you brave devil you!

By adding a positive thought, it makes less room for a negative one and it offers more time for things like this...

Now doesn't that look like a nicer place to be?

Sometimes, we're gonna feel like crap and that's okay. So what if spring has sprung and the whole world feels happy and glad and you don't. Don't beat yourself up. (I'm saying that to me as much as to you today) Wherever you find yourself, be kind to you. You're gonna be okay. 

Hope your week blossoms into something beautiful, noble reader.


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