Saturday, January 3, 2015

You're like a snow flake.

Remember when you were a kid and just one hour could seem like an eternity? Waiting for Christmas to arrive, or grandma to come over. Now, doesn't it just seem like we had a new year a couple of months ago? I don't know about you, but 2014 flew by for me.

Did I accomplish everything I'd set out to do? Hardly. How'd you do? I like to try to commit to self-improvement on a daily basis, hence my monthly virtues. It helps keep me accountable and hopefully somewhat self-aware. But hours and days can slip by somehow without notice and that's no good. If we're not here to witness our own lives, how can we expect to stand witness for anyone else?

There is this amazing Health Coach/ Yoga goddess named Caley Alyssa, I found her on Instagram recently, (golly, ain't Instagram great?) and apart from the most breath-taking poses ever, she adds little comments that I find so inspiring and helpful. I want to share a couple of those with you here today because they have a theme, but I'll get to that.

At the start of each new year, many of us vow to "change", like we're some hideously dysfunctional excuses for human beings. What is it about the new year that can turn us into such hateful meanies to ourselves? Not all of us of course, some people are just fine with who they are. (I envy them.) 

Why can it sometimes feel like such a challenge to simply love and accept ourselves as we are? Well I guess because there is always room for growth. But it can be really hard to make those resolutions stick. Why so many vow, to "get fit" on January 1st, they diet and exercise like a mad demon for two weeks before returning to being that sad sorry sloth eating cheese doodles in front of the television. (Ha ha, I love using the expression Cheese-doodles. I use it a lot, I've never had a cheese doodle in my life. I don't even know what it is. I think I heard about it on a cartoon once. Anyway....) That resolution to change your behavioral patterns doesn't have a hope in hell of sticking if you don't make some adjustments in your thinking. 

We've got to first commit to making some changes on the inside. It's one of the reasons I started Mastering My Midlife - I want to make my insides match my outsides.

Often - believe it or not - the easy part is the working out and getting in shape, but we're still fat, ugly, stupid, unpopular, terrified, weak, lazy, or whatever else horrible things we tell ourselves that we are, on the inside. If any of that rings true for you, I'm suggesting we change all that this year.

I'm proposing that you make this year "The Year of the (Insert YOUR name here)" - So for me it would look like this -- 

2015 - The Year of the Shannon. And commit to it.

Not just on the outside - actually especially not on the outside. Turn your eye within, listen to the soundtrack that plays in your head, love yourself a little more. 

Right, Caley Alyssa --

So the first thing she wrote that grabbed my attention was a quote from Sarah Varcas:

There is no destination, only a process of change. The question is one of the direction and depth of that change and whether it orients us to awakening or a deeper slumber.

The She went on in another post to write:

Change doesn't just happen. And you won't really change if it's for anyone else but yourself. Change happens when you decide you want it for you. When you decide to work your ass off and break down all the old stories you've convinced yourself are true, but are really a massive crutch that you've used as an excuse for way too long. Hard work pays off. Are you ready to work? Are you ready for a change?

I think she's sort of saying what I'm feeling right now, that you cannot really ever change the outside if you're not willing to look at the inside.

I'm okay with time flying by. As we grow older it just happens somehow, but I'm not okay with standing still. I want my life to mean something. To me. 

Of course I want to leave a mark, it's why I write. My words, my ramblings, my film(s) will be the mark I make I guess, but I want my happiness to permeate those words and this all too short life.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing this to you tonight. Maybe it's because I'm all caught up in this January TA Real Time challenge thing and I needed a gentle reminder to take the time to nurture all aspects of my being. I hope you will too. You're amazing. Don't judge yourself harshly or measure yourself by someone else's standards. Like a beautiful snowflake, there is no one else on this earth like you. No one can speak with your voice or do exactly what you do. 

Find that voice, raise it up, and sing your praises for a change - would you?

Loads of love,



  1. Beautiful, beautiful Shannon, that's exactly what I needed to hear this morning and pretty much how I'm feeling for this new year too.........I have high hopes for 2015, but not unrealistic ones, I too want to look inside, I learnt last year that our bodies are so much more incredible than we know, what they can achieve when it comes to healing is incredible, but you're so right, it's two fold, if we don't look inside and sparkle and see how important that angle is then really what is the point? Here's to 2015 being our best years yet mate! I'm off to Instagram to find Caley Alyssa......

    1. Hanna, you... your inner strength, your courage and that bright sunshiny attitude have inspired me so greatly these past months. I am proud to know you darling, even if it is only in this virtual world. You are amazing and entirely one of a kind. Enjoy Caley - she's such an uplifter!

    2. Ditto mate! Loving this virtual world.......especially as I get to meet fab people like you!!! To think I've inspired you.........cor don't make me blush gal!!! :) I just love reading what you write as it always puts my mind in a good place and a thinking/writing mood! x

  2. This is perfect. Thank you Shan! Love ya and Happy New Year! And congrats on your new TA adventure - you kinda make me want to sign up! xoxoxo Donna

    1. Donna, I love you too girl. It would be amazing for you to sign up. The spirit and joy with which people have thrown themselves into this latest incarnation of Tracy's is a thing of beauty. And what isn't more fun with friends? Plus you know... when it hurts and gets hard... misery loves company. Lol

  3. Just reflecting on the TA streaming. First day I wasn't sure i liked it and had buyer's remorse. Gave it another day or two and really loved the energy. The workout was very much like Year 4 level 7, however the arms are longer which is great. This week is good as well. There are only a few things that I am trying to work through. First, TA's counting..... she isn't consistent with each side, this sort of bugs me after 4 years of Continuity that was pretty much consistent with counting. Y4 is consistently 30 reps, streaming is down to 20, 23, 15, and one of them it was like 7 or * reps. I wonder if I will lose toning with less reps? Also, she goes a little fast on the Streaming and I find I have to pause a lot. I also pause to get 25 consistent reps in too. Yesterday I hurt my back so I am out of commission for these next 2 days and will not be able to master the moves on week 4 before it goes away! With the DVD;s I could continue my days to 10. I do love the music, I do love the energy, I do love the longer arms, I love seeing how TA exaggerates the moves, I love the demo at the beginning that explains all the moves. So, I will wait it out and be sad that I only get 5 days and not the full 7 this week.... I hope its not less. What are your thoughts??? Do you think the reps matter? I'm a little compulsive with form and reps!! Do you find she goes a little fast which could lead to more injury? Don't mean to be a downer, just contemplating and comparing....

    1. Hey Tricia,
      First off I am so sorry to hear that you hurt your back. That sucks. I do think that form is very important. I have seen women in the streaming class who lose their form after a certain number of reps - which is why I love the demo so much. I can take that half hour and really work through the moves, know how they go and what to expect in a slow mo environment.
      As for the numbers and one side to the other - I am not going to give you an opinion that will likely be very satisfying. I have never been one for high reps - 40 is too much for me, and ankle weights? I use the bare minimum and only when I'm feeling strong. So for me I love that there are fewer reps and I feel leaner. As for consistency - I'm with you. I do count my own reps and try to be consistent from side to side on my own body. Because there is such a frequent change in workouts - literally every Wednesday - I believe the overall balance in the body is there.

      Here is the biggest difference for me with these workouts - the joy. I have fun doing it. It's hard, almost too hard for me on some moves because of my neck - like all the planks I really have to limit - but I'm having such a laugh and the hour flies. With later continuity it was a struggle to plow through it for me. This just feels so much lighter and more free and I do like that we get different music and I can get lost in the enjoyment of that too.
      Saying all of this - I really hurt my hip joint badly on this week 4, so lucky for me there was a week 1 workout up which I hadn't done - so am alternating days because I was feeling pain. Which comes back to form.

      I hope that you don't feel regret over the purchase. I really feel like this is an amazing new way to workout but we have to be careful with our bodies, we aren't teenagers anymore who bounce back from everything, right? Keep in touch! Feel better.

  4. Oh Shan, thanks for your valued input. I am loving the streaming now, and you are right, it is joyful!!! I do not have buyers remorse anymore. I also agree that the seven days is perfect, no too long, not too short. I'm okay with missing a day here and there too. I think you have a good point about the reps, and using less weight, leaner muscles. I've noticed this in the last 2 weeks. I use a 1lb then add the 1.5 instead of the 2.5, unless its a glute move. I feel ths is better on my joints and hips. After a month or two I can't wait to see what happens!! My back is better, went to the chiropractor, I have to be careful of the hip moves, like the plank and your leg is 90 degrees to the side and you ave to lift, yea I modified , but the great thing is, wevebeen doing this so long, we can modify, but not compromise or lose an effect. Tanks again for your input and for helping me through a little " freak out". I realized, it leant after what tam you do, you are always moving forward. Can't wait to see what week 5 brings!!!!

    1. Tricia, you have no idea how happy this makes me. I was actually lying awake last night thinking about you and your back and thinking - lordissa, I told her she would love this and now she doesn't and I felt badly about it all.
      I am so glad that you're feeling better and you're absolutely right, we have totally been doing this long enough that we know our limits, what is beyond them and what to modify to accommodate.
      I am still loving it - no regrets at all.
      I feel like we are on the leading edge. My beloved says he cannot believe how in just two and a half weeks of live stream how lean my body is looking. Of course I still have my abcentric pouch, but that's a diet thing. My hips, arms and legs are looking so healthy.
      Happy it's working for you too and I can't wait to see what today's new class presents as well!! Yay!

  5. Oh Shan, you didn't have to be thinking of me, but since you did it warms my heart. I am feeling giddy about STREAMING. I look forward to Workout Wed.! Love that this week Stacy is there! I just love her form. This week is tough, and love that she brought back the abs you do on your back.... the planks just don't tone my abs like her "on the back" abs did. I do have to say I need more reps on those, but its at the end, so I just add them. I love the anticipation of the new workout, the energy, the music. And again, i love the demo!!!!

    1. Of course I'd be thinking of you. We've been together on this journey for a long time girl. Giddy is exactly the right word for Workout Wednesday - and this week did not disappoint. You are not going to believe these next words actually came out of my mouth but...
      I absolutely love the first 20 minutes of this new workout because it feels dancey and a bit choreographed - I felt like I was in dance class and I was killin' it! Or at least everyone in the mirror reflecting back at me was killing it so I thought I must have been too. Ha ha.

      So great. I absolutely love Stacey she makes everything so much more doable. And yes the floor abs - best thing ever. I too need more like so much more of that - but it's good it's at the end and we can tack more on.

      I love being at the leading edge with Tracy and watching her design and create in the moment and getting to be a part of that. Been meaning to write a post about all this and more but seem to have less and less time for blogging these days. Must be my workouts taking up my time - ha ha ha.

      So glad you're loving it too! It would have just broken my hear to hear that you didn't.

  6. Ok, quick question: Do you ever go through a mushy phase? The backs of my legs look, um, worse...

    1. Yes! I am going through that with the back of my waist/sides of my waist Gia. But... my waist is getting smaller. I think maybe (or it could be wishful thinking) that as things are getting stronger and tightening up, it's pushing all the gross fat to the surface - so it's looking a bit worse.
      Not sure if that's a good thing or not, we'll have to see.
      Could that be the same for you? Are you working out harder than before? I think mine comes down to doing Live Streaming - I'm working way harder than I ever have and it's working quickly so my body is working to catch up.

    2. I would definitely say I'm working harder! My waist is shrinking and my abs are finally toning up.
      Sometimes I think I was missing angles with Continuity. It's difficult to see nuances when she's facing sideways as opposed to what she does in live streaming.

      I'm having fun with it. It's my stress release and my "yoga"

    3. I agree with you. I think we're now able to see what we're supposed to be doing, especially with the tutorial before the class. I'd not panic yet, I'm choosing not to panic yet and to just trust the program. Nothing works overnight but I think at this level we're reshaping faster than before so our bodies will take some time to adjust. We're not just shrinking or building muscle, we really are pulling everything in.

  7. Shannon & ladies,
    So excited to hear about the live steam. I am hoping to do this too soon but will probably wait a few weeks. I killed my pififormus again on my Yr 3 level 3 and am fearful it will knock me out of commission again. I hurt it back on year 2 and I was in so much pain I couldn't sit for months. I did physio, spent a fortune on massage and chiropractor but in the end I had to just stop TAM and pretty much all exercise completely for months. Any one else have this? Would love to get some guidance from others who might have had piriformus issues and how much of a break they had to take. Am so bummed because I am dying to keep going and join live stream. It sounds so great!! And the community is so inspiring. I want to do it too!! :-(

    1. Hi Sarah,
      I have had hip issues in the past and they are the worst because if it pulls tight enough then you end up with a pinched Sciatic nerve which is the worst!
      The only thing I can recommend is a super strict stretching regime and arnica gel. I'm not a doctor so your practitioner can likely better advise you. Stretching those hip rotators out is so important.
      Live stream is unbelievable. I have never worked so hard in my life, but never have I wanted to before now. I love the workouts - AND crazy - I'm even adding a little cardio about 3-4 days a week. I hated cardio before now but the new beginner cardio DVD workouts are amazing and only 15 minutes each.
      But the work is hard I won't lie to you. There are tons of moves that will aggravate those hips if you're not careful.
      I'm not sure if you have the latest beginner mat DVD that Tracy put out - but some of the moves in that are quite similar (not as tough) as what we're doing in Live Stream - loads of flexing and extending, dropping onto the side hip then pushing up to all fours and kicking at various angles depending on the session.
      It's incredibly rewarding and fun.
      Here's my thing - I have a neck injury so cannot do a lot of plank work - there is a ton of plank work in live stream - but there is enough other content within the workout that even with my modified movements of the plank work I am still getting in a better workout than ever before.
      So if you had to modify one or two leg moves? Big deal - there are usually between 15-18 different moves each leg anyway, so you'll still work your butt off.
      Just be sure your butt is healed and feeling super good before you jump in and stretch out like a maniac after - paying particular attention to that piriformis muscle because that little guy is responsible for all of those hip rotations.

  8. Shannon,
    You are amazing!!! This advice is so helpful!! I am usually too hard on myself if I don't perform the moves exact like Tracy and her perfect form. I have to recognize that I haven't been doing it as long as she has and many (if not all) parts of my body are not as strong as hers! I need to make such modifications!! Plus we don't see if or how much she stretches before or after her workouts. Am sure she does some!

    Thank you again for this and I have just order the new cardio you suggested. Can't wait to test that out and once my butt heels. I do have the newer beginner mat that has the 4 sections: arms, abs, legs and butt so i will check out that one again. I remember the leg section with tons of squats killing my legs! :-)

    BTW love your instagram posts. So proud of you and all the hard work you are putting in and beginning to love cardio!! That is so awesome!!
    Big hugs of gratitude for your kind words and helpful suggestions.

    1. Hey Sarah, I'm so glad it's helpful. It's so important to know our own bodies and work within what we can and cannot do - I am able to add in more planks every day and if I feel a pinch or twinge I just pull back and stretch more afterward.

      Yes I have that four part transform DVD too but it's not the one I'm talking about - this one is three 25 minute "complete" mat programs - one even includes the chair - so amazing. It's current and fresh and somewhat similar to the streaming - apart from all the cardio we do during streaming and the length.
      It's a perfect re-intro if you've been on the mend, you can test that hip.
      I did it solid for a month and then went into the streaming - I was lucky with the timing - but there is no reason you couldn't do something similar!
      Good luck and please keep me posted.
