Your New Year's Eve assignment, should you choose to accept it is...
I can hear you now -- Whoa whoa whoa, homework on New Year's Eve? What kind of twisted evil writer would assign homework on New Years?
Me! I would! Hopefully you love me {and yourself} enough to keep reading.
Ahem, as I was saying, your New Year's Eve assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to close the year 2017 consciously by reflecting upon all that's happened this year to prepare for the new year that will be upon us tomorrow. Time's ticking, so I'll just get on with it, shall I?
The good folks over at Numerologist have created a ritual to get you thinking about all that's taken place this past year and they've even been generous enough to make a free workbook which you can download should you choose to accept this assignment. But if you don't feel like heading over there - I've compiled a list of the questions that make up this fantastic exercise.
For me, taking the time to review the year - to consciously look over my successes and failures in equal measure - brought some much needed clarity and perspective so I can set myself up for a happy and hopefully easier new year. I've enjoyed it so much I wondered if you might too. So here we go -
Make your favorite warm drink, find a nice cozy spot, curl up with a pen and paper or notebook and be prepared to be amazed at all you've overcome, learned and achieved in 2017!
Remember, as with everything we do, no being a hateful meanie to yourself, this is not an exercise of judgement. And make it your own - there is no right or wrong way to answer these questions. Take your time, enjoy revisiting the past and allow yourself to look forward to moving into a new year with a clean slate!
List all of the things that made you smile. You can do this month by month or do the year as a whole. Think back, what made your heart sing? What did you win at? What did you create, grow, nurture and accomplish? What gains did you make?
Again, don't rush. Take time to really enjoy this process and maybe even pat yourself on the back.
Take note of your experiences and achievements. Consider the actions that you took. What new experiences did you have? What projects did you start? Were there areas in your life where you took a leadership role? Do you notice yourself feeling more confident as we close out the year compared to the start of 2017?
This was a 1 Universal Year - a time of new beginnings. Review the list you've just made and appreciate the supportive energy that the number 1 brought into your life this year.
This one's a bit scarier, but don't be afraid to tackle it. You've achieved so much and overcome many obstacles. It helps to see the strides you've made and this exercise will illustrate that.
Reflect on the challenges you faced in 2017. What struggles occurred for you? What brought up fear, pain, discomfort and resistance? What made you cry?
Don't rush through this and again, no judging.
What lessons did 2017 bring? Think carefully about your joys and pains. What did they teach you about yourself this year? This exercise may take some time as it asks you to move a little deeper.
What were the consequences of the things that came your way this year?
What insights did you receive about yourself?
{I bet that you discover that you're more capable and talented than you realized or ever gave yourself credit for. Yeah, I'm talking to YOU!}
Now, considering all that you've reflected upon, what might you be willing to release? Are there any habits, patterns, thoughts, beliefs or behaviours that you could leave behind in 2017? Are there relationships that are no longer serving you? Are there outmoded parts of yourself that have no place in the year ahead?
Take a deep breath and list them. Now this next part is critical...
You don't have to know how you will let them go - trust that you will be assisted in releasing all that comes up for you. You don't even need to be ready to let go, just feel the essence of an intent, a glimmer of possibility and go for it.
Last but not least - what do you want to call into your life in 2018? Think BIG and believe that anything is possible, because it is! Remove any of those old mental or emotional limitations that you may still be holding onto.
Think of it like this -
If your life was to become a paradise on earth, what would that look like for you? Describe your ideal 2018.
Now give yourself a hug. The work you've just done is essential to your personal evolution and happiness. This practice of deep reflection and inner excavation is not easy, but by taking the time to do it, it will enable the life you desire to begin to form itself around you. You've just planted some powerful seeds for an incredible 2018.
If you want a little bit of extra support and guidance into letting go of your own bullshit, want to stop doubting how fabulous you are and get on with living your extraordinary life - I highly recommend that you invest in the book YOU are a Badass...
And then... Let the magic begin.
And remember, there's still time to sign up for Veganuary. I've been so pleased with all of the resources they've sent so far. Recipes like Caribbean Tofu with Coconut Quinoa and the Vegan Spanish Omelette as well as tips for getting enough protein, where to find plant-based omegas, a grocery guide for vegan alternatives like milk, butter, meat, and cheese, as well as how to dine out as a new vegan and more. There is such a warm and wonderful support group out there for us - together we can change the world!
Love you,
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