Monday, May 2, 2016


So here we are ladies, day three for me, day two for my lovely beauty NATALIA who is bravely venturing into these uncharted ALWAYS HUNGRY SOLUTION waters with me and I am delighted to report it's day one for my equally brave and beautiful MAMMA! 

We've been through it all hey mom? From Jane Fonda to the Thigh Master from Suzanne Somers. And omigod do you remember that twist board? 

The grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, all of it. Maybe this will be our epic solution. In any case it's so fun to have others doing this with me because I am so curious to see if the science behind this method of eating is really true. Only way to know is to delve into it head on. No fear.

So for those of you that are unfamiliar with the book ALWAYS HUNGRY and Dr. David Ludwig, whom I refer to lovingly as Dr. Dave, (unless he makes me fat then god only knows the moniker that will be assigned, likely something along the lines of Fuckingfuckitycockbollocks) but lets not go there, my mom is likely reading this! Yikes. His ALWAYS HUNGRY SOLUTION breaks down into three phases and today I'd like to share an overview of Phase 1 along with some additional practices that we're going to try to implement.

In a nutshell, ripped almost word for word from the book, but giving due credit so I don't get sued, we are not going to be counting calories (for at least the next three weeks anyway). Instead we are going to work on reprogramming our fat cells to release their excess calorie stores by replacing refined carbs with fat and further achieving the right proportions of UNPROCESSED CARBS and proteins at meals and snacks. (we are not eliminating carbs here people, I think that's a very important distinction)

Chances are you already know what these refined carbs are but just as a refresher they include stuff like white flour, white bread, white rice, pastries, sodas, pasta, sweets, breakfast cereals, and added sugars. Bottom line is that refined carbs include mostly sugars and any processed grains, you know, the good stuff that basically makes life worth living. But I digress.

The idea with the whole program is that by feeling nourished, the body will transition out of starvation mode (and stress/inflammation) and begin to lose weight without a struggle thereby achieving it's personal happy weight set point.

In PHASE 1 a whopping 50% of our food intake will come from healthy fats, things like nuts and seeds, nut butters, full fat dairy, avocado and olives. We will lower our carb intake to 25% of our diet and up the protein to slightly more than maybe most of us are used to round out the final 25%. The idea is that this is a temporary place to be this is not permanent. We will stay with this for two weeks, following the menu outlined (and if you're me you'll make some adjustments to suit you), eat only when hungry and stop when satisfied. Way way trickier than it sounds if like most women you are an emotional eater.

How many times did I stuff down tears with a brownie or twelve? And don't we almost always celebrate with cake? This plan is asking us not only to shift the kinds of foods we are eating it's asking us to make some lifestyle shifts and look within.

I know, that's where the hard work really is. You are going to have to look into the dark hidden corners of yourself and rather than stuff down the tears or anger or fear with a bag of chips or a half ton of mashed potatoes, really breathe into those feelings without judgement and ask why? Why am I feeling this way? What do I really want or need? And is there a healthy way to move through this and let it go rather than just shove it down further so that it keeps popping up at the most inconvenient of times?? I want you to take a look at this tracker.

I'm not sure you can read the bottom, if not go HERE to download it.
It is asking you to log specific things like: Did you do your daily 5 minute stress reduction in the morning and at night? Did you take a little stroll after your meal? Did you do your joyful movement? What about your pre-bedtime routine?

This may all seem abstract or silly. You may be thinking, I don't have time for that shit on top of all the prepping and cooking I now have to do in addition to regular daily life. I'm too busy. I'm too stressed. I'm already being pulled in a thousand different directions. Fair enough, but let me ask you this. Are you feeling so stretched thin that you are stuffing down your feelings with a bottle of wine every night, or three very "innocent" protein bars throughout the day because you didn't have time to make something? Or is that handful of chips or bag of gummie bears or twenty three lattes a week serving you well enough that you don't need to think about that stuff?

There is a theme here Noble Reader, so please don't shoot the messenger. If you actually take five quiet minutes to yourself each morning before jumping out of bed and straight onto your mobile device to catch up on emails, texts, IG, FB and all the other bloody initials you've linked into your life, you might actually rediscover some things about yourself. Like maybe you're not hungry first thing in the morning and grabbing that bagel every morning on the way to work no longer serves you. If you eat your meals with mindful intention putting down the fork between bites, you might better be able to determine whether you are actually hungry for the next bite or feel full enough to stop. Dr. Dave is asking you to check in with you. This is a reminder ladies from me to you... You are worth taking care of. Look at yourself in the mirror and say that to yourself. Hear the words and believe them. Go on, do it now. I'll wait - go look into the mirror, look deeply into your own beautifully stunning eyes and and say:

I am worth taking care of.

Did you do it? It's not some silly thing, these words can change your life. I think you're worth it. I'm worth it. The world needs what each of us has to offer, so why not stick around for as long as you're able to and share your gifts and talents from a healthy, radiant body? That's what I want to do. Well of course that and get back into my skinny jeans. Just keepin' it real.

So what about the rest of the month, it's not only going to be us and Dr. Dave. We have a monthly virtue to get to. What would you like to practice this month. Feeling stressed, why not choose PEACE. Been feeling bullied on IG or FB like so many of the lovely ladies in the #tamily have been feeling? Why not choose KINDNESS or COMPASSION as your virtue and show others how to be through your example? If you didn't get up and go to the mirror like I asked you to a second ago, why not select BELIEVE IN MYSELF as your virtue for May? There is no wrong choice here friends. For me? Well I've been working on Belief and faith for a while now and I think that I am finally ready to open up and RECEIVE. Now you might be thinking how is "receive" a virtue? What screwy world are you living in lady? 

You know the expression "it's better to give than to receive?" Now maybe that's true but if the entire world's population was only giving, who would be there to receive? In order for us to know light we must experience dark, to know music there must also exist silence. I have long prided myself on my ability to give to others. Not necessarily gifts or things, but time, friendship, advice, laughter and what have you. I have given freely of myself as a writer. I'm not sure how many of you know of or have seem my tiny film EMPIRE OF DIRT, but that was made from pure love. I did not get paid for that. I do believe I am ready to start receiving. If I go to dinner with a friend and they offer to pay, perhaps I can graciously accept. If some one pays me a compliment I will allow them to rather than deflect it by turning the attention back toward them. I am open to receiving good well-paying work, new friendships, more knowledge, unlimited love and abundance in whatever form that may show up in. So my virtue this month is to RECEIVE.

Lastly I want to add on my May challenge to this post. You know how utterly devoted I am to the phenomenal TRACY ANDERSON, my goal is to continue (obviously) to work out with her Method via streaming but I am also upping/changing my game slightly. If I get a backlash for this I would encourage those folks to read above to the May virtues and choose LOVE. Tracy has a former trainer named Katia Price who has branched out and created a program called Dancebody. I would encourage you to take a look at her website HERE or visit her IG page HERE because like Tracy she has dynamic classes that move you in a unique way that won't create bulk, but she engages the body in a slightly different way that I think for me, after nearly 7 years with Tracy, will be just the additional wake up this old gal needs.

Now you can't do her classes in the virtual world exactly just yet, but each Saturday she offers up a PERISCOPE class for those of us who do not live in New York. So for the month of May I will be working out with both Tracy and Katia and I'm really excited to see what happens.

So there you go folks. A whole lotta links, info and hopefully some inspiration thrown in for good measure. Love you lots and happy to see a few of my ladies from the golden olden days of Mastering the Method. My cup truly runneth over.



  1. Hi Shan,
    Well what can I say? When I heard you were attempting a no-added-sugar, high-fat diet and you had to have protein for breakfast, I was like, wait a minute, how is she gonna do that?! But, here you are, all determined and bought into it 100%. I admire you for being able to go for it wholeheartedly like this, and good on Natalia for doing it with you! It actually sounds like a good 'diet' to be on, if there was one. All natural foods and plenty of healthy fats, what could be wrong with that? And no calorie counting? Even better.

    I hope you find the plan easy to stick to and find that you can do it long after the book phases run out. It's something sustainable that we're all after isn't it? I'm also attempting to eat my way back to my skinny jeans by adding more protein for breakfast - definitely helping, much less hunger in the late morning, and trying to make sure I eat enough rather than leaving it too long then just making something 'quick' but less nutritious.

    Here's to a successful May :-) Enjoying your write ups of this x

    1. Now it really feels like the gang's all here! Yesterday Jessica Tricia and Gia, now you're here. I feel so happy. I am determined and into this 100%. I guess like Sophie says it's the difference between vanity and health. I want my body to operate better and I hope this is the key. Let me know what kinds of things you're doing diet wise and how they work out, curious minds want to know.
      And yes, cheers to a successful May.

    2. You know you're running a free online diet club here don't you? Lol.

      So what's working for me for breakfast is either of these 2 things...
      1. One serving of my favourite 'Lizzis' low GI granola, with enough milk (coconut or otherwise) to soak it a little, then topped with 2 big spoonfuls of Liberte high-protein yogurt, then a free raspberries or blueberries on top of that. Nice because it's chewy and filling and the protein keeps the hunger locked up til lunch.
      2. 2 scoops of my new favourite complete meal, called 'Huel' (Healthy Fuel?), which contains 20g protein, 1 serving of oats and a plethora of vitamins, minerals and also fats from coconut etc, so pretty much everything you need for a meal. I whizz it up with a banana, some blueberries and a big handful of frozen spinach, water and bit of milk of whichever variety is in favour this week. It's nice and thick and creamy, also fills you up well.

      I know you can't have banana or even oats probably for a while, but both of these are a good balanced meal to start the day, no snacks required :-)

  2. I am so glad you mum is also joining the AH solution... when you were counting all the things you did, all those diets I kept saying, check, check... yep done that... So amazing that we live so far away yet we have done so many of the same diets. I remember the cabbage diet and my husband, then boyfriend begging me to end it as I was really hard to be around with... That soup made me become the wicked witch of Barcelona... Once I got around this fabulous space you became my google for nutrition knowledge and I became a fan of the Glowing Green Smoothie, I discovered matcha, I learnt about black rice from your Tracy Anderson interview.. so many things... While I was dwelling between going to Dr. Hyman's diet or Whole 30... Luckily you showed me Dr. Ludwig and now, on my day 3 and I am loving it... I have an inner peace (hunger wise) I have never experienced before. I still have cravings ...I miss my bananas, I miss my quinoa, I miss mangos... but I haven't been ravenous since I started on Sunday, not like I'm going to eat the entire fridge... And somehow I sometimes forget the snack because I'm not hungry... Can someone explain that to me? Dr. Ludwig? I'm sure this will change as soon as my body gets used to not having carbohydrates but now I enjoy not being hungry, it's a new state of mind... I can't wait for Sunday to weigh myself and measure myself to see if I've lost anything... I have to fight the urge to get on the scale every morning, but I'm going to wait...
    Thanks for sharing everything you know Shan... Hey, and here's to PEACE AND LOVE !!!

    1. And let's not forget how Sophie taught us about Dr. Junger and Clean which I have promise to do twice a year... Sophie, you are also my book of reference and you both shall be for as long as you let me !!!! MMmwaaah

  3. Heh, I myself am adding other things to Tracy so no judging here! Body weight/light weight stuff.

    Sometimes the body needs a shake up!
    This plan sounds really interesting. I like the fact Dr. Dave doesn't want you to count calories at first , just get used to changing your fate buds

  4. Sorry, am a little late to this party.
    I've been waiting for a time to be able to write whilst thinking - not walking, driving, eating etc etc.
    There is so much in this post which I find inspiring Shan, its as if your words are in a pin ball machine, lifting up one subject after another as you get bounced around.
    For me, personally, one of the key points you make is the mental challenge of defining physical hunger from emotional need.
    This is a real challenge, and not one I always win. It really comes into focus for me when I'm doing the clean - as one is not meant to snack between meals if possible.. the first few days can be rocky... but you are right - when you force yourself to 'sit with hunger', - or what you are interpreting to be as hunger, quite often its really, really not.
    The amount of times, I have convinced myself I am hungry, and then either made a cup of tea, had a large glass of water, gone and busied myself with a task of sorts... only to ask myself 5 minutes later? Am I hungry? ... er no not at all in fact!
    That daily tracker is fantastic! Things like that keep us on course, take the brain strain out of it, and allow us to fit these things into our lives so much more smoothly.
    I know I need to work on the later part of your post - the self worth part. It feels a little silly and self indulgent even to write that, but by seeing the progress you are making on this front inspires me, and gives me the kick up the ass I need to put in the 'work' on that front.

    1. Thanks Sophie, I always find your thoughts and insights so incredibly inspiring. I want to add that the "work" on self-love and belief in yourself is the most important work there is. For all the other work I've done over the years, growing my experiences through travel, taming my mind through yoga, meditation and pranayama, weeding out all sorts of careers that didn't fit, workout programs that didn't work, still trying to find balance in my diet, the most difficult and most fruitful of all is working on believing in my own worthiness. I have a long way to go but I am hell and gone from where I started from back in September. It bears repeating. It's the most important work we will ever ever do, especially as women in a world filled with messages that we will never ever be good enough or worthy.
      Love you my friend.

  5. No lie, I'm sitting on the floor of my workout/girl room with my laptop, I was thinking about what you wrote about receiving (& this whole process your going through), and in a sort-of-autopilot-zombie mode i just got up walked into my library (that's pronounced "guest bedroom with a lot of books in it") and pulled out all my Brene Brown books. Time to give them another read.

    I just tried to write a paragraph about how all this jives together in my brain, but totally failed. Word soup. But to me this stuff is all an intermingled yarn-ball of being.

    Also, things like this always get a little hairy for me because it's health and wellness and self care and all these head-y/lofty/great things, but, for sure, vanity is thrown in the mix. For me anyway. I want to live long and prosper, but I do really enjoy when my arse looks nice. And I think that's okay, as long as I'm conscious of it and it doesn't supercede other things. And I'm still totally lovable regardless of the shape of my butt. (I find this balance of things is sort of what this decade is about for me....i.e., humility is something I value, but you don't skip straight from humble to hubris in one step....there's an area in the middle where you can take pride in your accomplishments/creations/being and still be very humble and honest about the work it took to get there and the help you received along the way. As opposed to what I usually say, "Oh, it's nothing." "You could do it too, I'm sure". "It's no big deal". Men don't do that. And my mom isn't that kind of lady either. I don't know where I picked up compliment deflection, but I'm trying to get over it. My husband always gets on me for that one...such a good husband).

    There's so much more in head, but my thoughts are all jumbled up. Hopefully maybe a little of this will make some sort of sense. Anyway, I'm so proud of you...and the other ladies who are doing it along side you. Thanks for sharing what you're going through. I'm always inspired when I read your posts. Keep on killing it girl. Love you loads!


    1. Right?! Isn't it so much to process among these aha moments of "it's about time" you stopped deflecting your/my/our unique gifts and talents and just said thanks?
      I agree with you there is a balance but I am to find it and to open up my heart to receive it all with grace and gratitude.
      Love you back mamma!
