I'm changing the metaphorical lens so I can better reframe the situation to a more pleasant view and not get too down about it all. In the last post I wrote, "out with the old and in with the new", I appear to be clearing space, ridding my life of relationships that are not healthy, saying no to things I don't want to do, and setting fire to all that no longer serves me.
Is this part of the shift that happens at this stage of growing up do you think, or am I just at a general turning point? How many of you, when you hit a certain birthday simply decided that "good enough" was no longer good enough? What woke you from the delusion that adequate was okay and suddenly made you decide that you wanted more? Perhaps it was something thrust upon you that made the ground shake beneath your feet and got you walking off in another direction?
I heard a wonderful quote from Oprah that went something like this:
"Every day brings us a chance to start over. We all have those stand down moments that require us to stop and center ourselves to clear the way for truth and transformation. Sometimes those are painful moments. Though it's hard to imagine when you lose what you thought was the perfect relationship, when the job that defined you for twenty years is gone, when the people you counted on turn their backs on you, you may actually be taking a step forward on the path to your truest desires and ultimately to your destiny."
Are those just fancy words to try and help assuage the pain of letting go or is there a grain of truth in there? It strikes a chord within me that whispers "it is truth, your destiny awaits". In spite of saying good-bye to who I thought was a terrific agent, walking away from a book contract (yeah I did), and steering myself away from conversations about merely fighting our middle-aged spread in favor of discussing things a little less tangible, I feel a sense of hope. Like there is a spark in there somewhere that's dying to ignite something bigger and better to lead me to what I truly want. You ever feel that?
Either that or I am actually a little bit totally crazy and am about to crash and burn. I'll never work again and any slim chance for happiness will be gone forever.

Oh darling, the drama of this midlife. Ha ha ha.
While the eight ball currently before me does feel life-sized, perhaps I'll overcome some of these perceived obstacles and this will make a fantastic success story. I once read that -- the obstacle is the way. Interesting, no?
In spite of everything looking like it's crumbling down around me, why do I feel this tiny spark of excited expectation? Crap, maybe this is the first sign of actual madness.
In the movies when a character finds him or herself in a moment when "all is lost", they have to dig deep and dip into the well of courage and strength and do something they had not been capable of doing before the movie started, and it's this action, this untapped power that leads them to victory. They say art imitates life and life imitates art. Could this be an "all is lost" moment when our former youthful selves give way to our wiser and more mature selves?
What I really want to know is, have you found yourself standing at an all is lost moment, looking up and down the crossroads of your life, feeling like everything really has turned to shit... yet somehow, rooted deep inside of you, you felt a twinge of eager anticipation? Like the next steps, although scary, might be okay and might ultimately change the course of your life?
I certainly hope so. Seems I have more questions than answers these days but sometimes that's okay. If we never ask the questions, how can the answers come, right?
I think that while you're in this cross road you have to trust your gut feeling... because it's this gut feeling that's hanging in there that's telling you that whatever it is that you are changing it's for the best. Trust that spark Shan, they are always shifting us in the right direction. Having said that I'm sorry you are finding yourself in that situation... how can all be lost? you're one of the most talented writers I know!!! So trust your spark and go for it... I'm here for you
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Natalia. I guess the trouble is that I am not sure if the spark is real or imagined. If it's there or if I am just being foolishly hopeful, you know?
DeleteIn any case your support means the world. Thank you!!
Hey I wonder how you did today on your first day of GP detox? Did you survive just juice in the morning?
I don't know about imagined sparks... If all is lost I get no sparks, I see the need to get up and try something different but without that gut feeling... When I lost my job 5 years ago, even though I knew it wasn't the job for me I had no spark, there was a little voice in me saying ( oh shiiiiiiit) I was terrified and in fact unable to do anything about it for a long time... It was as if I couldn't move. Little by little I relaxed and started to see a way out and felt less freaked out about finding another job...It wasn't easy but I got there in the end. The Spark doesn't always show up Shan... whatever happens, whatever you do... it will always sort itself out, you are strong, very intelligent, very bright... Everything will be all right.
DeleteRegarding the GP detox... well I have followed it very thorough except for breakfast... I need more substantial breakfast otherwise I can't do any workout.. but so far two days done and I feel less bloated. I still have really annoying conversations with my head to stop myself from reaching the cookie counter, or the cheese... so keep fingers crossed for me... And hey!!! I said "no thanks" to a glass of wine... that's a real achievement...
By the way!!! I read you might be seeing an eclipse of the moon on Wednesday!!!
DeleteHey Nat,
DeleteYeah I guess I'm not freaked out. More surprised that I could walk away from things that I thought would propel me forward in favor of what? The unknown? I don't really know what to do but some ideas are coming slowly so I guess it's good??
Good for you! No to cookies and to wine? Wow. You're doing it. You got this. Less bloated is always good. I bought a new (read MUCH SMALLER) coffee cup so I can still have my mochas and cappuccinos but like half the size so that should help. My husband has started using a much smaller wine glass. Maybe that's something you could try too for the nights when saying no isn't an option.
I do know about the eclipse. I am a cancer, so ruled by the moon. But unfortunately the eclipse will happen at 3:15am so not sure I want to set an alarm and head out into the streets to see it at that hour. But I think it's going to bring us all some magic! Let's hope.
Big hugs.
I am at exactly this point in my life, everything is falling apart and I cannot even trust myself to make decisions. Having left Canada and moved to a country where I don't even speak the language makes matters even worse.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog for years and I wanted to thank you for all the wonderful posts. I come to your site especially in dark times, when it helps so much. Stay strong and keep radiating beauty.
Hi Chez! I recognize you from Instagram! Your photos are brilliant. I hope that your pendulum sways, with dark times may there also be lighter times. The excitement of being away from normal life, the freedom of being a stranger in a strange land. I know it isn't always that romantic, but we need to reframe whatever we can to make it feel even slightly better, right?
DeleteI'm so glad you've found me here and I hope together we can figure it all out.
I was joking the other day that I needed to get a magic eight ball or a decision maker because I cannot seem to commit to anything lately either, not even a bloody nail color! I hear you girl. Hang in there.
Big hugs